Abolish Apathy in the Workplace with Stephan Wiedner
Seasons leadership podcast
The women in leadership podcast

Abolish Apathy in the Workplace with Stephan Wiedner

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Join Seasons Leadership Co-Founders Debbie Collard and Susan Ireland as they talk to Stephan Wiedner, co-founder Noomii.com and Skillsetter.com, about his passion to unleash the collective potential of people, how to build psychological safety and practice leadership skills. 

Show notes:

Feeling apathy at work (2:45)
Stephan shares his own story of struggling to find meaning in his work before he moved to working in human performance with a focus on technology. Stephan relates that he is working on concreating leadership skills because lots of goals in the leadership realm can be ambiguous. By concreating leadership skills, he believes he can better create a system for leaders to learn and practice them.
Building psychological safety (10:40)
Stephan explains his definition of psychological safety and how recent protests caused him to rethink his original definition. Stephan links psychological safety and apathy at work, citing a study that asked people to what extent their voices mattered at work. The leaders discuss how their missions align.

Actionable advice to help leaders abolish apathy (22:38)
Susan and Debbie ask Stephan for actionable advice listeners can apply immediately to help combat apathy at work. Stephan encourages listeners to attune themselves to what might be causing others in the room to not be as open or candid as they could be. Stephan tells listeners about a special offer for a complementary assessment (see details below).

About Stephan Wiedner: 

Stephan Wiedner is an entrepreneur whose mission is to abolish apathy in the workplace. He firmly believes that for great work to take place, everyone needs to have the courage to speak up and the confidence to know they'll be heard. His passion for unleashing the collective potential of people has led him to cofound Noomii.com, the web's largest network of independent life coaches, and Skillsetter.com, a platform similar to a flight simulator for practicing interpersonal skills.

Stephan has been a guest speaker for Truth, Lies and Workplace Culture Podcast, Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast, Building Psychological Strength Podcast, and many other audiences interested in psychology, business and technology. His writing has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and other popular publications. In addition to his professional career, Stephan serves as a volunteer firefighter in his local community. Stephan is married with two children and enjoys spending quality time in the outdoors, hiking, biking, camping and reading.

Connect with Stephan:
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/swiedner

pecial offer for Seasons Leadership Podcast Listeners! Free Psychological Safety Assessment for your workplace: Reach out to Stephan via LinkedIn and mention the Seasons Leadership Podcast.
Life Coach, Business Coach, Career Coach, Executive Coach Directory | Noomii


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