Casting a Wide Net with Beth Schryer and Melissa Fleener
Seasons leadership podcast
The women in leadership podcast

Casting a Wide Net with Beth Schryer and Melissa Fleener

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Seasons Leadership Co-Founders Susan Ireland and Debbie Collard revisit their discussion with special guests and aerospace executives Melissa Fleener and Beth Schryer. Beth shares her challenge of transitioning from leading a team of hundreds to a team of thousands. Melissa talks about how mentor relationships can help you step up to your next leadership role. Debbie and Susan reflect on the common theme of “casting a wide net” in business and relationships weaved throughout the discussion.
Show Notes:
Mission & value driven leadership
Beth shares her mission to always improve the business or organization – “a leader never stops.” Melissa connects to products and people, simplifying her mission to “how can I help?”
Diversity brings strength to an organization (17:33)
Beth talks about purposefully bringing more diversity to the facilities organization and the experience of being a disrupter. Melissa gives her positive perspective of working with a more diverse team.

Share common experiences
Melissa relates a story about accountability and how she balanced her commitment to her customer and to her family. The leaders talk about how sharing these common experiences can reduce loneliness and inspire others to honor their values.
“You won’t ever feel ready” (32:40)
Melissa and Beth share tips on how to step into a new leadership role and their own journey of stepping up. Advice includes figuring out how to sell yourself, the aspects of the job that interest you and a road map.
Bring authenticity to networking (45:50)
Both Beth and Melissa talk about intentionally building up a network and the importance of staying connected. Beth shares her personal advisory committee. Melissa talks about authenticity in networking.

“Don’t hold yourself to perfection” (53:46)
Beth shares the story of managing Facilities during COVID and how sometimes you need to just make a choice as priorities come and go. Melissa talks about the importance of communicating – not being afraid to ask for help and establishing boundaries.

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