Mirroring the Metaphor of Spring in Ireland

Spring is here, and at Seasons Leadership, we couldn't be more excited. We structure our course material, resources and tools using the lessons of the natural seasons because we believe that everyone has an innate understanding of the changes that occur throughout the year and can easily connect with the lessons. These insights and lessons serve as a powerful metaphor to support leaders in reaching new standards of excellence throughout their careers and lives.

Spring is a season of awakening—to new energy, creativity and possibilities. It's a time to elevate our thinking, clarify our vision and explore new plans. As winter's cold grasp loosens, nature itself awakens with a burst of life, signaling the arrival of spring. It's a season of renewal, growth, and transformation—a perfect backdrop for embarking on new adventures and exploring possibilities.

In a recent blog post, I mentioned that I was headed on an adventure in Ireland. I chose the small village of Westport in County Mayo, Ireland. Despite the chill lingering in the air, the sun has made a few appearances, teasing of warmer (or at least drier!) days. Westport, nestled on the picturesque shores of Clew Bay, has proven to be an ideal location for my journey.

On a walk I recently stumbled across some daffodils just starting to bloom along the Carrowbeg River, the main river that flows through Westport.

My adventure reflects the journeys we all encounter in the "springs" of our lives. It started with a wee idea or vision—a desire to spend an extended period in Ireland. At first, I didn't take this idea seriously, but it persisted. So, I embraced a fundamental leadership lesson: sharing my vision and seeking others' advice, help and ideas.

There are experts out there who can help us with every idea. As silly as I thought my idea was, I got out of my own way and started talking about it.

Despite my initial doubts, people rallied around me, offering support and guidance. Through these interactions, I found the perfect Airbnb in Westport and set a timeline to turn my idea into a tangible goal. With each step forward, the idea became more concrete, the plan more defined.

Telling others also set up personal accountability for me.  People were interested in my progress, which motivated me to keep moving forward.  

Eventually, I reached a point where I had to take a leap of faith and make it happen. Just as in nature, where spring emerges despite the lingering remnants of winter, I too stepped into this new chapter with anticipation and excitement.

Now, in Westport, as spring begins to emerge, I find myself metaphorically embodying the season. Everything feels new—exploring the area, meeting new people, immersing myself in the local culture. The air is charged with the promise of new beginnings, echoing the rejuvenation I feel within.

I made it to the top of Croagh Patrick, a pilgrimage site in County Mayo Ireland.

In essence, my journey mirrors the essence of spring—a time of exploration, growth and new beginnings. Through embracing the lessons of the season, I've embarked on a transformative adventure, both personally and professionally. And as the landscape of Westport begins to bloom with the colors of spring, I too embrace the opportunities and possibilities that lie ahead.

Some actionable advice for Leaders heading into spring:

- Breathe! Pause and notice what is emerging – new ideas, people, or patterns.

- Explore those things that pique your interest or make you curious.

- Take a chance and try something new. Make room for experimenting and testing new ideas or processes. Start small. It might not turn out as planned, but your experiments might lead to a breakthrough solution!

- Appreciate the creativity, ingenuity and dedication of the people around you who make your world better.  

- Take on new challenges like I did with Croagh Patrick! But take your challenge on at the pace that is right for you (Don't try to keep up with the teenage boys sprinting up the mountain)!

- Make time for new beginnings and have some fun.

Want to learn more about the metaphorical seasons of leadership? Read more on our blog the Almanac:

Winter Reflection | The Almanac | Seasons Leadership Program

Choose to Let Go This Fall | The Almanac | Seasons Leadership Program

Summer | The Almanac | Seasons Leadership Program

Susan Ireland draws on 30+ years of leadership experience in corporations to help people positively impact the world. As an ICF-Certified Professional Coach, Susan works with executives, entrepreneurs and leaders at all levels to enhance their leadership and business acumen, encourage self-discovery and turn challenges into positive results. Her belief in the unique value of individuals and appreciation for the wonder and awe of their journeys inspires enduring, transformative change. susanireland.coach

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