The Almanac

Reboot your recharge routine

Debbie's previous blog "recharge your leadership batteries" offers some timely insights to help you reboot your own practice of "me time." She shares this important reminder that inspires me to take time for myself, "by taking time off not only was I benefiting, but I was giving someone else the opportunity to stretch and grow and show themselves and others what they could do."

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Lessons in Leadership: Be the Leader Who Builds-on and Improves

When taking over leadership of an organization, the new leader has much more control in how they assume responsibility for the organization. In this Lessons in Leadership, our resident Seasoned Leader David Spong shares an example of his leadership style when taking on a new role. 

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Choose to Let Go This Fall

Fall is not merely a transition in our environment; it's a metaphor for life, reminding us of life's constant change and the profound significance of choosing to let go of what no longer serves us. In this beautiful transformation, we find guidance for our own lives and leadership.

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Why How You Take Advice Matters as a Leader

Leaders may ask for input or advice or say that they are open to it. They may have an open-door policy, telling people that whenever they want to talk about something or let them know something the door is open. But is it really?

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Customer Service & Culture – Both are about Leadership

As my own leadership role evolved, I came to regard great customer service as a hallmark of a successful leader who has nurtured a successful culture.

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Effective Leadership Minimizes Surprises

Guest blogger Dave Hyem shares his experiences helping leaders and teams resolve their stickiest operational issues by fostering a culture of trust.

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The way my brain works is that I visualize the summer as the end of the year and the start of FREE TIME!! If you have been reading our blogs for some time, you know that Seasons Leadership uses the metaphor of the seasons to illustrate the predictable phases we all move through in all parts of our lives.

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A Map for Your Journey to Leadership Excellence

Review of free Baldrige resource: The Foundations for a Successful Business

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Sit at the Table and Own Your Leadership Presence

"Next time, sit at the table," my colleague said as we left the conference room after an important meeting about a project I was leading. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Of course. Why didn't I?

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The Power of Seemingly Small Gestures

A leader’s values show up in their actions. It is important for leaders to “walk the talk” and live their own and the organization’s values. Our resident Seasoned Leader David Spong illustrates that principle in this "Lessons in Leadership."

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