Author spotlight

Susan Ireland

Susan Ireland draws on 30+ years of leadership experience in corporations to help people positively impact the world. As an ICF-Certified Professional Coach, Susan works with executives, entrepreneurs and leaders at all levels to enhance their leadership and business acumen, encourage self-discovery and turn challenges into positive results. Her belief in the unique value of individuals and appreciation for the wonder and awe of their journeys inspires enduring, transformative change.

Posts by

Susan Ireland

Actionable Advice to Improve Your Leadership and Life

Debbie and I became podcasters by accident. After publishing 35 episodes (in just our current season!) of the Seasons Leadership Podcast it seems odd to say we stumbled into this, but it is the truth. While a typical week finds us scheduling recording time with leaders from around the world that share our passion for leadership excellence or sharing actionable advice with listeners to improve their lives, what has become an integral part of our mission, started out on a lark.

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Spring Forward

As I write this reflection on spring the sun is shining in Seattle – a rare treat at this time of year – and I can feel that familiar “spring fever” feeling starting to re-emerge like the crocuses and cherry blossoms starting to bud and bloom. This is the time to try something new – or many somethings. It’s a time to plant seeds of ideas, and to explore those ideas and see how they grow over time.

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Invest in Yourself

I have been hesitant to write about this topic because I know what you might be saying to yourself. “Yes, I know investing in myself is important. There is nothing new that she can tell me – it’s just hard to do when I have so many other higher priorities.” But you can create a life that is even more amazing, deeply aligned with your true self, and long-lasting and fun – all that is required is that you slow down, take the time to figure it out – and invest in yourself – NOW.

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Get to the Point!

How to effectively implement “bottom-lining” in your leadership.

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Miraculous Winter is Transformative

You are probably in “winter” if you have decided to end something but don't know what is next. (This decision could be about anything important to you: job, marriage, church, friendship.) This "not knowing space" can make you tired, confused, frustrated, or even anxious – mainly because you think you should "know."

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Practicing Grace Makes the World Better

I suggest we allow ourselves and others some latitude of grace. We can start by assuming that people have positive intent and are trying their best. I’m not saying we shouldn’t hold people accountable, and I am dismayed when we twist definitions to allow abusive or immoral behavior but to err is human.

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Embrace the Season of Fall

We have key questions and inspiration for your leadership journey in our fall newsletter. Co-Founder Susan Ireland shares reflections and what defines this season of leadership.

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Three Mentorship Relationships to Pursue for Success

We believe there are three mentorship relationships you should consider seeking out: experienced, peer and early career. All three will offer you different perspectives and opportunities for growth.

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Nurture Relationships with Mentors to Accelerate Growth

You need a mentor and not just one but several. At Seasons Leadership, we define a mentor as someone with expertise and experience who will share their knowledge, skills, experience, and network to support the mentee further their career and develop capabilities.

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